Inventory improvements

In LS One 2021.1 we have continued to improve the quality of our product. We have listened to our partners and customers and also found things ourselves that we have fixed and improved.

Transfer out from parked inventory

Returning parked inventory to vendor has been added to the Site Manager inventory functionality. When a parked inventory journal has been created you can select to either move the whole journal or select individual lines from the journal to move. The quantity of items that were transferred out will be removed out from the parked inventory.

Inventory on hand in item search

We have added the possibility to view the inventory on hand status for the items in the item search. A button, Show inventory, was added and when pressed it will display the inventory status for the items in a new column similar to the Show price functionality. The Inventory status if fetched directly to the Head Office location and it is therefore recommended that you filter the list first to the items you are looking for and then use the actions to show price or inventory.


Issue number Support issue Keywords Description
ONE-13757 LSTS-15555

Data Import

We added the option to import stock counting CSV files with the barcode of an item instead of item ID.
ONE-13788 LSTS-15590 Cost calculation Weighted average calculation for item cost price when multiple items with the same ID are in a single purchase order was corrected.
    Stock counting Stock counting journal resulted in an error when it included multiple lines with the same item. That has been fixed in this version.
ONE-13523   POS
We fixed that the transfer request/order line dialogs were not working properly, the focus would not go to the correct control.
ONE-14026   POS 
Items were not added to existing items on a transfer order/request. We added an option to the TouchMessageDialog to have the accept/ok button selected so pressing enter on a keyboard works as pushing accept/ok
ONE-13919   Mobile Inventory Goods receiving documents were limited to 500 documents in the mobile inventory app.
ONE-13924 LSTS-16265 Site Manager Double clicking a variant item in goods receiving and stock counting in the Site Manager resulted in an error.
ONE-13548   Site Manager We fixed an issue causing the barcode field in the purchase worksheet line dialog to not work properly.
ONE-13928   Site Manager The purchase order line dialog did not work properly for variants. We have now fixed that.
ONE-13144   Site Manager We added a double click row selection in the create from purchase order search page.

See also

In this release we have also made changes in:


Inserted: September 2021
Version: LS One 2021.1