Update scheduler data for version 2021

In this version of LS One new tables were added for LS Pay and Stock valuation that require data replication. There are also some new fields in existing tables so when you update to version 2021 from 2020.1 you need to create new subjobs for the new tables and do a read database design.

To be able to upgrade you will need the following information

Scheduler data update

To update your scheduler data from LS One version 2020.1 to version 2021 you will first have to do a Read design. Then you will have to create subjobs for the new tables and add them to the jobs being sent.

Run Site Manager version 2021 and log in to your database.

When you do this the first time your database will be upgraded to 2021 version. Make sure to take a backup before updating the database. New tables and fields are added to your database.

New tables and subjobs

Create the following subjobs for the new tables:

LS Pay


  • N-RBOTRANSACTIONEFTEXTRAINFO - a normal job with a replication counter

Stock valuation

  • spINVENTORY_ArchiveItemCost - a procedure job that moves old cost lines from the RETAILITEMCOST table to the RETAILITEMCOSTHISTORY table.

Archive item cost - NEW JOB

Including subjob:

  • spINVENTORY_ArchiveItemCost

This job is used to move old cost lines from the RETAILITEMCOST table to the RETAILITEMCOSTHISTORY table to archive. The RETAILITEMCOST table can become very big and cause performance delays.

Preload POS



Preload Store



Transactions from POS:



Transactions from store to HO:


Inserted: March 2021
Version: LS One 2021